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Interesting Outdoor Games For baby To Play
Monirul Islam Mar 20, 2024 15

Interesting Outdoor Games For baby To Play



Tummy Time in the Grass: Place a soft blanket or mat on the grass and let your baby enjoy some tummy time outdoors. Encourage them to explore the textures of the grass, leaves, and flowers while strengthening their neck and arm muscles.

Sensory Treasure Hunt: Create a sensory treasure hunt by hiding safe, baby-friendly objects in a shallow tray filled with sand, water, or rice. Let your baby dig, scoop, and explore the textures to discover hidden treasures like colorful toys, plastic animals, or natural objects like pinecones and shells.

Bubble Play:  


Blow bubbles and watch your baby's fascination as they track the floating bubbles with their eyes and reach out to touch them. This simple activity helps improve visual tracking skills and hand-eye coordination.

Nature Walks: Take leisurely strolls with your baby in a stroller or carrier and explore the sights, sounds, and scents of nature. Point out birds, trees, flowers, and other natural wonders, stimulating their curiosity and sensory awareness.


Water Play: Set up a small inflatable pool or water table in the backyard and let your baby splash and play with water toys. Provide cups, scoops, and containers for pouring and filling, promoting hand-eye coordination and sensory exploration.


Picnic in the Park: Pack a picnic basket with baby-friendly snacks and a blanket, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the park. Let your baby experience the sights and sounds of nature while engaging in a sensory-rich outdoor mealtime experience.

Gentle Swinging: Place your baby in a secure baby swing and gently push them back and forth. Swinging helps soothe babies and provides vestibular stimulation, promoting balance and coordination.

Outdoor Music Session: Bring a selection of baby-friendly musical instruments like shakers, bells, and drums outdoors and have a mini music session with your baby. Encourage them to explore the sounds and rhythms, fostering their auditory development and appreciation for music.

Exploration with Safe Objects: Provide safe outdoor objects for your baby to explore, such as wooden blocks, textured balls, or soft toys. Let them touch, grasp, and manipulate the objects, encouraging sensory exploration and fine motor skills development.interesting-outdoor-games-for-baby-to-play-4.jpg

Gentle Nature Yoga: Engage in gentle yoga poses with your baby outdoors, such as stretching on a yoga mat or practicing baby yoga poses like "butterfly" and "happy baby." This activity promotes bonding, relaxation, and physical activity in a serene outdoor setting.

Remember to supervise your baby closely during outdoor play and ensure they are protected from sun exposure, insects, and other outdoor hazards. With these engaging outdoor activities, you can create memorable experiences and foster your baby's growth and development in nature.

